woensdag 8 mei 2024





series of screenprints 100x70cm

Välkommen till Kulturhuset under Hvens Konstrunda, Sweden

  9-12 Maj 2024


donderdag 7 september 2023

Art in Nature - open air Photo Exhibition


Opening 12 August 2023, exhibition until end May 2024
Curated by Andrea Juan and Gabriel Penedo Diego
at the Museum of Nature of Cantabria, Spain

zondag 20 november 2022

NAT Artist in Residence


Now you can see the work created during the NAT Circle Pro Art Residence, September 2022

at the Circle Pro Art website, enjoy.

dinsdag 31 mei 2022

Photography installation at Tycho Brahe Museet, Sweden 26 -29 May 2022

In twelve photographs, Christina Hallström has illuminated sheets of aquarelle paper with sunlight on Hven and in this way created dream-like images that resonate with space or the depths of the sea. Particles float in something that seems to be an infinite world, yet there seems to be a relationship in the dynamics between the particles, they float around and with each other as in a dance.


zaterdag 19 maart 2022

maandag 3 januari 2022

update 2021-2022


Coming up soon:
International Printmaking Exchange Exhibition curated by China Printmaking Museum
Art Museum of Beijing Fine Art Academy and Qingdao Art Museum
January 18 to February 20,  2022

On show now:
De Vier Seizoenen - Opening 1 November 2021 17:30 exhibition - 9 March 2022
Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, NL

 ARTI Salon 2021 - Nieuw Werk
11 december 2021 - 23 January 2022

Digital exhibition - Amsterdam Museum - Corona in de Stad 

How To Save a Tree(HTST) 

Interview in kM #115 najaar 2020 - Natuur, door A. Staartjes
Het diepe blauw van de kosmos