
Video Light Installation
length variable

projected during Moved by Voice
VARIA2018 Improvisation Festival Göteborg, SE
watch compilation


VARIA Lab 2013 
The main part of consisted of exploratory meeting between three artists - Henriette Pedersen choreographer & visual artist (NO), Christina Hallström film-maker & visual artist (NL) and Lisa Larsdotter Petersson, performance & visual artist (S), beside their diverse media - dance/movement, voice/sound and video/visual arts. Discovering of and presence in, the given lab-space next to work-process, offered shift and unpredictable development of artistic source. Public lab-showing ended the project. VARIA Lab was displayed in September at Danscentrum Väst, Göteborg Sweden. 

Showing 6th September, Danscentrum Väst Göteborg, Sweden 
Part of Göteborgs Internationella konstbiennal via GIBCA Extended 
watch 5 min compilation

VARIA2011 When does movement become dance?
Instant work in progress showing presented at Atalante Scen för samtida scenkonst, Göteborg, Sweden. watch
The compilationvideo from the whole Festival is also to be seen. watch

2009 VARIA2009-Improvised Dance-Light-Music-Video-Performance
improvised live video mixed with sequences filmed on location
presented at Atalante Scen för samtida scenkonst, Göteborg and in Borås Konsthall, Sweden. Dvd compilation 8' (watch) and a documentary 35', screening Konstepidemin, Göteborg, Sweden 2010
for more info visit VARIA

2009 Future, Past; Present, Dansens Hus Oslo, Norway
improvised live video mixed with sequences filmed on location
presented at Dansens Hus Oslo, Dvd compilation 7,5' en 8,5' watch

2007 VARIA2007-Improvised Dance-Light-Music-Video-Performance
improvised live video mixed with sequences filmed on location
presented in three performances, Atalante, Göteborg, Sweden, final performance nordic group melting with Magpie
compilation 2' and 8' on Dvd watch

2006 VARIA2006, Light-Music-Dance-Video Performance,
improvised live video mixed with sequences filmed on location, presented at Atalante, Göteborg, Sweden
compilation 5'on Dvd